
Reasons To Have a Sunday Wedding

Picture this: You just got engaged and it’s time to plan a wedding! How exciting! The to-do list is growing by the minute…where to start? Well, setting your guest limit, selecting your date, and booking your venue are typically the first steps on your wedding planning journey. While Saturdays may seem like the most appealing day for your wedding, we want you to know why we love a Sunday wedding and think you will too!

A Wedding That Lasts a Whole Weekend:  

Not only will you have more time to celebrate; you will also have more time to prepare.

Having a Sunday wedding gives the wedding party more time to rehearse and prepare as they decompress from the busy work week. Book your pre-wedding appointments during the weekend versus fitting them into your busy week.

Start the weekend off with a spa day on Friday incorporating welcome drinks, massages, and brunch. Saturday can be filled with relaxation and an epic rehearsal dinner! Then, the big day comes – Sunday! You’ll be fully pampered and ready to go Sunday morning.


Photography: Ellie Patterson

Guests Will Thank You: 

Holding a Sunday wedding means guests can come relaxed, knowing they completed their check list of to-do’s on Friday and Saturday, which leaves them to focus on having the best time with no distractions! Major bonuses include less traffic on the road and taking a Monday off is much more appealing than a Friday.

Talk about a Sunday Funday! Does it get more perfect than this?

A Wedding Budget’s Best Friend: 

Perhaps the most attractive reason to tie the knot on a Sunday! Venues and wedding vendors alike will be happy to offer you the same event for a fraction of the cost. Moreover, if you have family or friends flying in, during the weekend is when flights are relatively cheaper, which is a huge benefit!

Additionally, with all the money you save you can put that towards the long weekend of celebrating!

Photography: Hyde Photography

Vendor Flexibility: 

Even your vendors will be more laid back on a Sunday. There may be flexibility with start or end times for your wedding and availability is typically more open on Sundays in comparison to Fridays or Saturdays. Additionally, there may be discounted prices on Sundays!

That takes the cake!

At The Briarcliff Manor we want your day to be perfect therefore, we’re offering remaining Sundays in 2023 at special rates and bonus incentives. Contact us to learn how we can help you plan the perfect 2023 wedding for you and your loved one!