The Briarcliff Manor and Team Gullotta Raise Over $50,000 for Childhood Cancer Research

A couple of months ago, we were asked for help from a longtime friend and community member, Matt Gullotta, of Gullotta House. They wanted to raise $50,000! The cause was something, we couldn’t say no to – Helping a local child Gio Toribio, who suffered from cancer, have a research portfolio linked to his case, and have a research grant created in his name. It seemed like an incredible undertaking at the time!
The Briarcliff Manor hosts a monthly event that we call Wednesday Night Live. It’s a night where the community can get together, have some drinks, enjoy the view and support a cause.
That’s exactly what we did on Wednesday, June 20th! We wish you were here!
It’s with great pleasure, we can report that not only did we reach our collective goal but we were able to surpass it. We raised thousands of dollars towards Gio’s Cancer Grant. Through the efforts of The Briarcliff Manor, we raised $7K. At the end of the evening, we celebrated the community having raised over $50,000- totally exceeding their goals!
A mix of guests from the community, supporters of Gullotta House, Gio’s Family, Ossining Town Supervisor – Dana Levenberg, The Lifestyle Westchester Team, our networking organization Rising Tides Alliance were all in attendance. A recent Briarcliff Manor Bride, Ana Nunez, President of National Association of Hispanic Nurses, even joined us for the party and provided blood pressure screenings! Live music was provided by Saxophonist Joe Piccianno which added a musical backdrop to the night’s festivities.
One of the highlights of the night was Michele Lippin, of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, presenting the #GullottaTeam with a certificate of Appreciation for their achievements along with speeches by Matt Gullotta himself, and our very own President of The Briarcliff Manor, Perry DiNapoli.
Perry DiNapoli said ” We as a community have an obligation, but more than an obligation, …I learned years ago from my mentor, Rich Biondi of White Plains Hospital, a phenomenal man, he really impacted my life. What Rich taught me was that it wasn’t an obligation to give, it’s really a privilege. When you get an opportunity like this, to see little Gio and what he’s gone through, it wasn’t his choice, anyone who goes through a disease like that, it’s not their choice. For those of us who are healthy, or healthier, it’s a privilege. We get together and eat some food, drink some bourbon, and share some good times, when you have a chance to put a lot of people together and they can do some good, that’s a blessing. “
Many thanks to everyone who supported this goal, donated money or raffle prizes, attended our Pig Roast or our Wednesday Night Live. Your support is heartwarming, we thank you for your perseverance and commitment!!!
We helped Gullotta House reach their goal. Join us next month for the opportunity to help us raise money for another worthy, local cause and to be a blessing!!
If anyone would like to donate, the link will be open until June 26th. Click here.